So Ubisoft has just released a trailer that has given an in depth walk through of all five parts of DLC that one can expect with a season ...

Watch Dogs 2 Season Pass Announced - Will Cost Almost As Much As The Game

So Ubisoft has just released a trailer that has given an in depth walk through of all five parts of DLC that one can expect with a season pass for Watch Dogs 2. Weird timing some might say for a game that isn’t even released for almost another two weeks, set to come to a platform near you on November 15th.
If you’ve been around for any length of time in the modern gaming community, you probably know of the gamble that is buying a season pass. “Hey we’re going to make a load of cool stuff for this game, why don’t you save some money and buy them all now before we’ve made them?” says the developer, “Sure I’ll bite, that sounds like a great idea” you retort, unaware of the contractual gamble you’ve just signed with usually no idea of what you’ve actually parted with money for. What happens if they don’t deliver on valuable content and it’s just a collection of really expensive horse armour? Well as the Yiddish fox said to the arse of a turtle, tough tuchus.
With that in mind, having a look at the trailer we can’t say we’re massively impressed on the apparent amount of content that they’re charging pretty much the retail price of the actual game for, at $39.99. At least they’re telling us what’s in store for the season pass holders, something that’s a rarity, but it seems weird that they’re describing a collection of content that would likely disappoint if one actually waited to see what they would get.